How Many Jelqs a Day for Make Penis Bigger

Jelqing video, Many men seek jelqing techniques, penis enlargement, usually ends with the completion of the audit, the practice of the penis, or “jelqing” is a method that truly cm and a large increase in the volume can.

Jelqing is to repeat the movements of trade or massage his hands on his penis. The main question that always comes as jelq penis? “. I mean, how many repetitions jelq every day to see these great results, that the boys live.

Some people think work, jelqing, they have to do jelq 600-800 per day! This is too much, especially for beginners. You do not need as many representatives on a daily basis to see results.

Jelqing Video, jelqing To be effective, not only jelq 200-300 repetitions per day. It really should be a few weeks of each month. Since the 100-150 is just used to it and get off the rhythm. At this level, the boys who said they saw good results for beginners.

It’s really one or two days a week. Do not perform stretching exercises penis holidays. The results are really much better and let rest for a while for their work

So do not make a day for the jelq hundreds and hundreds of times. The classes are now in modern methods can substantially reduce the time you when you suffer the same incredible results. More jelqing video

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